The transaction object

Transactions represent a collection of bookings and/or purchases that are made on a seller's account.

id integer
The unique id for the transaction object.
reference integer
The unique reference for the transaction object.
customer object
The primary customer for the transaction, an instance of the customer object.
price positive float or zero
The subtotal price for the transaction.
fee positive float or zero
The fee value of the transaction.
discount positive float or zero
The total discount value of the transaction.
tax positive float or zero
The tax value of the transaction.
total positive float or zero
The total for the transaction.
paid positive float or zero
The paid value of the transaction.
refunded positive float or zero
The refunded value of the transaction.
due positive float or zero
The due value of the transaction.
overpaid boolean
True if transaction is overpaid.
status boolean
True if transaction is active.
combined_taxes_fees array_objects
array of taxes and fees applied to the transaction.
bookings array_objects
array of bookings applied to the transaction, contains: booking object.
payments array_objects
array of payments applied to the transaction, contains: payment object.
promotions array_objects
array of promotions applied to the transaction, contains: promotion object.