The booking object allows you to manage bookings for a basket.
Attributes |
id integer The unique id for the booking object. |
item object The item associated with the booking, an instance of the item object. |
time object The time associated with the booking, an instance of the time object |
booking_date date The date of the basket booking. |
booking_time time The time of the basket booking. |
booking_end time The end time of the basket booking. |
duration positive integer The duration of the basket booking. |
total_quantity positive integer The total quantity of spaces for the basket booking. |
quantities array_objects The quantities of item pricing categories for this basket booking. |
extras array_objects The item extras for this basket booking. |
price positive float or zero The basket booking subtotal. |
discount positive float or zero The total discount value of the basket. |
fee positive float or zero The fee value of the basket booking. |
tax positive float or zero The tax value of the basket booking. |
total positive float or zero The total for the basket. |
questions array_objects The item booking questions for this basket booking. |
participants array_objects The participants for this basket booking. |